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Сторінки: 219-228. Номер: №2, 2020 (283)
П.Д. Лежнюк, О.Є. Рубаненко, В.О. Лесько, О.О. Рубаненко
Вінницький національний технічний університет, м. Вінниця, Україна
P. Lezhniuk, Rubanenko, V.LESKO, O.Rubanenko
Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5732-2020-283-2-219-228

Рецензія/Peer review : 10.04.2020 р.
Надрукована/Printed : 27.06.2020 р.

Анотація мовою оригіналу

В роботі виділено основні напрямки покращення якості підготовки фахівців – електриків, що планують працювати на атомних електричних станціях (АЕС). Проведено аналіз тенденцій зміни кількості студентів, що навчаються за угодами з АЕС.

Ключові слова: атомна електрична станція, студенти, учні, практика, літня ядерна школа, профорієнтаційні заходи, підготовка персоналу, вищі навчальні заклади.


Розширена анотація англійською мовою

The main directions of improving the quality of training of specialists and electricians planning to work at the NPP are highlighted in the paper.
The tendencies of changes in the number of students enrolled under the agreements with the NPP have been analyzed. In order to increase the level of preparation of students in the specialty 141 – electric power engineering, electrical engineering, and electromechanics, the Vinnytsia National Technical University conducts periodically classes of employees of the RAES NPP Energoatom training center. Such classes and full-time electives are aimed at preparing students for design, technological and undergraduate practice at NPPs, greatly enhancing their effectiveness.
The widespread adoption of distance education methods and tools (off-line consultations, computer simulations, and laboratory work, electronic tutorials, manuals, methodological guidelines) improves the quality of training not only for part-time students but also for full-time students. Ukraine is one of the few nuclear states that has felt the danger of a nuclear power plant.
At the same time, the increasing cost of electricity requires measures to reduce the downtime of NPPs, as they reduce the operational reliability of the power plant. Young professionals and university graduates should adapt to production conditions as soon as possible. This is possible under the conditions of practical training, both during laboratory classes and during NPP practice. The high cost of modern energy equipment and the small amount of budget financing significantly slow down the process of updating the laboratory base of universities.
Keywords: nuclear power plant, students, students, practice, summer nuclear school, vocational guidance, staff training, higher education institutions.


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Post Author: npetliaks
