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Сторінки: 220226. Номер: №4, 2022 (311)  
Луцький національний технічний університет
e-mail: mriabchykov@gmail.com
Луцький національний технічний університет
https://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-9724-5132
e-mail: nlv_29@ukr.net
Луцький національний технічний університет
e-mail: v.stytsyuk@lutsk-ntu.com.ua
Луцький національний технічний університет
e-mail: tkachuk18oksana@gmail.com
Луцький національний технічний університет
e-mail: o.kagan@lutsk-ntu.com.ua
Viktoriia STYTSIUK, Oksana TKACHUK, Oksana KAHAN
Lutsk National Technical University
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5732-2022-311-4-220-226

Анотація мовою оригіналу

Визначені основні властивості магнітних текстильних матеріалів на основі наноскладових оксидів заліза. Доведена висока адгезійна міцність утримання нанопорошків. Визначені бактеріостатичні властивості одержаних матеріалів для використання в медичних і захисних виробах. Описані магнітні властивості текстильних матеріалів з вмістом нанопорошків, запропоновані сфери використання в конструкціях смарт одягу. Доведена можливість забезпечення структурних характеристик магнітних матеріалів. Наведена структура напрямків використання магнітних текстильних матеріалів.
Ключові слова: магнітні текстильні матеріали, наноскладові, смарт одяг, медичний текстиль.

Розширена анотація англійською  мовою

The actuality of the introduction of textile materials with the content of nanopowders based on oxides of divalent and trivalent iron has been proven. The main directions of implementation of such materials into real practical results are shown. The algorithm for the synthesis of magnetic nanomaterials was developed. Adhesion properties of magnetic nanopowders to textile fibers are determined. It is shown that exposure for 5 – 7 days ensures almost absolute adhesive resistance and provides a combination of textile properties with magnetic nanopowders. Bacteriostatic properties of nanomagnetic textile materials were determined. For this purpose, the growth dynamics of mold fungi was determined. It is shown that the content of nanomagnetite significantly suppresses the growth of mold infections. The magnetic properties of textile materials are described, the possibilities of their introduction into elements of smart clothing, medical and protective materials are determined. Magnetic technologies in medicine, compression elements of clothing can be provided with the help of magnetic textile materials. The magnetic effects of such materials make it possible to create elements of clothing with a change in geometry. This determines the possibility of using such materials for smart clothes with new effects. The possibilities of creating magnetic nanomaterials with given structural characteristics have been proven. The addition of nanopowders reduces the size dispersion of structural elements, reduces their size, and increases density. This effect allows ensuring the specified transfer characteristics of textile materials, which provide the necessary parameters of heat transfer and mass transfer. The possibilities of using magnetic textile materials against electromagnetic radiation are shown. The structure of directions for the use of magnetic textile materials for medical and protective products, as well as for promising elements of smart clothing, has been developed.
Keywords: magnetic textile materials, nanocomponents, smart clothing, medical textiles.


  1. Magni A. Nanotechnologies and the textile industry: The future is upon us. Tinctoria -101(10), -2004, pp. 60-61
  2. Yezhova O. V. Prognosing development of textile nanotechnologies. Vlákna a textil, -24(4), -2017, pp. 66-69
  3. Han Y., Obendorf S.K. Reactivity and reusability of immobilized zinc oxide nanoparticles in fibers on methyl parathion decontamination. Textile Research Journal. -Vol. 86, -iss. 4, -2016, pp. 339-349
  4. Zhang M., Xie W., Tang B., Sun L., Wang X. Synthesis of TiO2&SiO2nanoparticles as efficient UV absorbers and their application on wool. Textile Research Journal. -Vol. 87,- iss. 14, -2017, pp. 1784-1792
  5. Vlasenko V., Smertenko P., Bereznenko S., Arabuli S. Synthesis of metals nano-particles in the porous structure of textiles for uv-shielding. Vlákna a textil, -24(4), -2017, -pp. 30-33
  6. Xu S., Zhang F., Song J., Kishimoto Y., Morikawa Preparation of silver nanoparticle-coated calcium alginate fibers by hyperbranched poly(amidoamine)-mediated assembly and their antibacterial activity. Textile Research Journal. -Vol: 86, -iss. 8, -2016, pp. 878-886
  7. Gutarowska B., Stawski D., Skóra J., Herczyńska L., Pielech-Przybylska K., PLA nonwovens modified with poly(dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) as antimicrobial filter materials for workplaces Textile Research Journal. -Vol. 85, -iss. 10, -2015, pp. 1083-1094
  8. Kar T.R., Samanta A.K., SAJID M., KAWARE UV protection and antimicrobial finish on cotton khadi fabric using a mixture of nanoparticles of zinc oxide and poly-hydroxy-amino methyl silicone. Textile Research Journal. -Vol. 89, -iss. 11, -2019, pp. 2260-2278
  9. Tsykhanovska I., Evlash V., Alexandrov A., Gontar T. Forming the structure of whipped desserts when introducing the food additive “Magnetofood” to their formulation. Eastern-european journal of enterprise technologies. -Vol 2, -No 11 (98), -2019, pp. 45-55
  10. Moradi B., Fernández-García R., Gil Effect of smart textile metamaterials on electromagnetic performance for wireless body area network systems. Textile Research Journal. Vol. 89, iss. 14, 2019, pp. 2892-2899
  11. Pérez-Villacastín J., Gaeta E. Smart Clothes to Take Care of People or Smart People Who Use Clothes to Take Care of Themselves? Revista Española de Cardiología. – 68. -Issue 7. -2015, pp. 559-561
  12. Diachok T., Bereznenko S., Yakymchuk D., Aleksandrov M. Development of equipment for complex man protection from artificial non-ionizing EMR. -Vlákna a textil, -26(2), -2019, pp.9-13
  13. Rodgers J., Zumba J., Fortier Measurement comparison of cotton fiber micronaire and its components by portable near infrared spectroscopy instruments. Textile Research Journal. -Vol. 87, -iss. 1, -2017, pp. 57-69
  14. Liu S., Tong J., Yang C., Li L. Smart E-textile: Resistance properties of conductive knitted fabric – Single pique. Textile Research Journal. -Vol. -87 iss. 14, -2017, pp. 1669-1684
  15. Vivcharenko V, Wojcik M, Palka K and Przekora A Highly porous and superabsorbent biomaterial made of marine‐derived polysaccharides and ascorbic acid as an optimal dressing for exuding wound management. Materials 2021; 14(5),1211: 1-2
  16. Bogren S., Fornara A., Ludwig F., Kazakova O., Johansson C. Classification of magnetic nanoparticle systems—synthesis, standardization and analysis methods in the nanomag project . International Journal of Molecular Sciences -16(9), -2015, pp. 20308-20325
  17. Riabchykov M., Alexandrov A., Nechipor S., NikulinA A.Distribution of the sizes of microcapsules in two-phase emulsions for treatment of textile materials. Vlákna a textil, 26(4), 2019, pp. 47-52
  18. Pyatakov A., Pyatakova Z., TishinM. (2022) Chapter 1 – Short history overview of magnetism and magnetic technologies for medical applications, Magnetic Materials and Technologies for Medical Applications, Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials –2022, Pages 3-21
  19. Kyzymchuk O., Melnyk L. Influence of miss knit repeat on parameters and properties of elasticized knitted fabric. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering – 2016; – Volume 141. -Number 1. – 012006. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/141/1/012006
  20. Kyzymchuk O, Melnyk L and Arabuli S. Study of Elastic Warp Knitted Bands: Production and Properties. Tekstilec.  -2020; -Vol. 63 -Issue 2: 113 – 123.
  21. Riabchykov M., Alexandrov A., Trishch R., Nikulina A., Korolyova N. Prospects for the Development of Smart Clothing with the Use of Textile Materials with Magnetic Properties. Tekstilec, 2022, Vol. 65(1), 36–43 DOI: 10.14502/tekstilec.65.2021050
  22. Scataglini S., Moorhead A. P., Feletti F. A Systematic Review of Smart Clothing in Sports: possible Applications to Extreme Sports. Muscle, Ligaments and Tendons Journal. Vol. 10 (No.2) 2020. pp.333-342
  23. Riabchykov M., Alexandrov A., Sychov Y., Nikulina A. Bacteriostatic properties of medical textiles treated with nanomaterials based on Fe2 O3 International Conference on Technics, Technologies and Education (ICTTE 2020) IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021, 1031 p.1-5
  24. Shi Ch., Wang Ch., Liu H., Li Q., Li R., Zhang Y., Liu Y., Shao Y. and Wang J. Selection of Appropriate Wound Dressing for Various Wounds. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 19 March 2020, https://doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2020.00182,  https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbioe.2020.00182/full
  25. Boateng J Wound healing dressings and drug delivery systems: a review. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 2008; V. 97 (8): 2892-2923
  26. Kim PJ, Applewhite A, Dardano AN,Wirth G and Teot L Use of a Novel Foam Dressing With Negative Pressure Wound Therapy and Instillation: Recommendations and Clinical Experience. Wounds : a compendium of clinical research and practice. -30(3): P.1-17
  27. Liu, X., Niu, Y., Chen, K.C., Chen, S. Rapid hemostatic and mild polyurethane-urea foam wound dressing for promoting wound healing. Materials Science and Engineering, 2017. 289-297
  28. Yalcinkaya F. A review on advanced nanofiber technology for membrane distillation Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics. -Volume 14: -2019. 1–12 DOI: 10.1177/1558925018824901
  29. Riabchykov M., Alexandrov A., Sychov Y., Popova T. and Nechipor S. Magnetic nanotechnology in the production of foamed textile materials for medical purposes. Vlákna a textil Vlákna a textile. -2021. – (3) Vol 28 ––p.66-72
  30. Kim W.I.I, Ko Y-G, Park M.R, Jung K.H, Kwon, O.H Preparation and characterization of polyurethane foam dressings containing natural antimicrobial agents for wound healing. – 2018; 42(5): p.806-812


  1. Magni A. Nanotechnologies and the textile industry: The future is upon us. Tinctoria -101(10), -2004, pp. 60-61
  2. Yezhova V. Prognosing development of textile nanotechnologies. Vlákna a textil, -24(4), -2017, pp. 66-69
  3. Han Y., Obendorf S.K. Reactivity and reusability of immobilized zinc oxide nanoparticles in fibers on methyl parathion decontamination. Textile Research Journal. -Vol. 86, -iss. 4, -2016, pp. 339-349
  4. Zhang M., Xie W., Tang B., Sun L., Wang X. Synthesis of TiO2&SiO2nanoparticles as efficient UV absorbers and their application on wool. Textile Research Journal. -Vol. 87,- iss. 14, -2017, pp. 1784-1792
  5. Vlasenko V., Smertenko P., Bereznenko S., Arabuli S. Synthesis of metals nano-particles in the porous structure of textiles for uv-shielding. Vlákna a textil, -24(4), -2017, -pp. 30-33
  6. Xu S., Zhang F., Song J., Kishimoto Y., Morikawa Preparation of silver nanoparticle-coated calcium alginate fibers by hyperbranched poly(amidoamine)-mediated assembly and their antibacterial activity. Textile Research Journal. -Vol: 86, -iss. 8, -2016, pp. 878-886
  7. Gutarowska B., Stawski D., Skóra J., Herczyńska L., Pielech-Przybylska K., PLA nonwovens modified with poly(dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) as antimicrobial filter materials for workplaces Textile Research Journal. -Vol. 85, -iss. 10, -2015, pp. 1083-1094
  8. Kar T.R., Samanta A.K., SAJID M., KAWARE UV protection and antimicrobial finish on cotton khadi fabric using a mixture of nanoparticles of zinc oxide and poly-hydroxy-amino methyl silicone. Textile Research Journal. -Vol. 89, -iss. 11, -2019, pp. 2260-2278
  9. Tsykhanovska I., Evlash V., Alexandrov A., Gontar T. Forming the structure of whipped desserts when introducing the food additive “Magnetofood” to their formulation. Eastern-european journal of enterprise technologies. -Vol 2, -No 11 (98), -2019, pp. 45-55
  10. Moradi B., Fernández-García R., Gil Effect of smart textile metamaterials on electromagnetic performance for wireless body area network systems. Textile Research Journal. Vol. 89, iss. 14, 2019, pp. 2892-2899
  11. Pérez-Villacastín J., Gaeta E. Smart Clothes to Take Care of People or Smart People Who Use Clothes to Take Care of Themselves? Revista Española de Cardiología. – 68. -Issue 7. -2015, pp. 559-561
  12. Diachok T., Bereznenko S., Yakymchuk D., Aleksandrov M. Development of equipment for complex man protection from artificial non-ionizing EMR. -Vlákna a textil, -26(2), -2019, pp.9-13
  13. Rodgers J., Zumba J., Fortier Measurement comparison of cotton fiber micronaire and its components by portable near infrared spectroscopy instruments. Textile Research Journal. -Vol. 87, -iss. 1, -2017, pp. 57-69
  14. Liu S., Tong J., Yang C., Li L. Smart E-textile: Resistance properties of conductive knitted fabric – Single pique. Textile Research Journal. -Vol. -87 iss. 14, -2017, pp. 1669-1684
  15. Vivcharenko V, Wojcik M, Palka K and Przekora A Highly porous and superabsorbent biomaterial made of marine‐derived polysaccharides and ascorbic acid as an optimal dressing for exuding wound management. Materials 2021; 14(5),1211: 1-2
  16. Bogren S., Fornara A., Ludwig F., Kazakova O., Johansson C. Classification of magnetic nanoparticle systems—synthesis, standardization and analysis methods in the nanomag project . International Journal of Molecular Sciences -16(9), -2015, pp. 20308-20325
  17. Riabchykov M., Alexandrov A., Nechipor S., NikulinA A.Distribution of the sizes of microcapsules in two-phase emulsions for treatment of textile materials. Vlákna a textil, 26(4), 2019, pp. 47-52
  18. Pyatakov A., Pyatakova Z., Tishin A.M. (2022) Chapter 1 – Short history overview of magnetism and magnetic technologies for medical applications, Magnetic Materials and Technologies for Medical Applications, Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials –2022, Pages 3-21
  19. Kyzymchuk O., Melnyk L. Influence of miss knit repeat on parameters and properties of elasticized knitted fabric. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering – 2016; – Volume 141. -Number 1. – 012006. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/141/1/012006
  20. Kyzymchuk O, Melnyk L and Arabuli S. Study of Elastic Warp Knitted Bands: Production and Properties. Tekstilec.  -2020; -Vol. 63 -Issue 2: 113 – 123.
  21. Riabchykov M., Alexandrov A., Trishch R., Nikulina A., Korolyova N. Prospects for the Development of Smart Clothing with the Use of Textile Materials with Magnetic Properties. Tekstilec, 2022, Vol. 65(1), 36–43 DOI: 10.14502/tekstilec.65.2021050
  22. Scataglini S., Moorhead A. P., Feletti F. A Systematic Review of Smart Clothing in Sports: possible Applications to Extreme Sports. Muscle, Ligaments and Tendons Journal. Vol. 10 (No.2) 2020. pp.333-342
  23. Riabchykov M., Alexandrov A., Sychov Y., Nikulina A. Bacteriostatic properties of medical textiles treated with nanomaterials based on Fe2 O3 International Conference on Technics, Technologies and Education (ICTTE 2020) IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021, 1031 p.1-5
  24. Shi Ch., Wang Ch., Liu H., Li Q., Li R., Zhang Y., Liu Y., Shao Y. and Wang J. Selection of Appropriate Wound Dressing for Various Wounds. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 19 March 2020, https://doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2020.00182,  https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbioe.2020.00182/full
  25. Boateng J Wound healing dressings and drug delivery systems: a review. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 2008; V. 97 (8): 2892-2923
  26. Kim PJ, Applewhite A, Dardano AN,Wirth G and Teot L Use of a Novel Foam Dressing With Negative Pressure Wound Therapy and Instillation: Recommendations and Clinical Experience. Wounds : a compendium of clinical research and practice. -30(3): P.1-17
  27. Liu, X., Niu, Y., Chen, K.C., Chen, S. Rapid hemostatic and mild polyurethane-urea foam wound dressing for promoting wound healing. Materials Science and Engineering, 2017. 289-297
  28. Yalcinkaya F. A review on advanced nanofiber technology for membrane distillation Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics. -Volume 14: -2019. 1–12 DOI: 10.1177/1558925018824901
  29. Riabchykov M., Alexandrov A., Sychov Y., Popova T. and Nechipor S. Magnetic nanotechnology in the production of foamed textile materials for medical purposes. Vlákna a textil Vlákna a textile. -2021. – (3) Vol 28 ––p.66-72
  30. Kim W.I.I, Ko Y-G, Park M.R, Jung K.H, Kwon, O.H Preparation and characterization of polyurethane foam dressings containing natural antimicrobial agents for wound healing. – 2018; 42(5): p.806-812

Post Author: Горященко Сергій
