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Сторінки: 58-63. Номер: №6, 2019 (279)
Хмельницький національний університет
Khmelnytskyi National University
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5732-2019-279-6-58-63
Рецензія/Peer review : 03.11.2019 р.
Надрукована/Printed : 2.01.2020 р.

Анотація мовою оригіналу

Проведено аналіз колекцій відомих дизайнерів та визначено, що найбільш актуальним видом оздоблення одягу є принти. Розроблено узагальнену класифікацію різновидів сучасних принтів та сформовано модні тенденції принта для оздоблення жіночого одягу. На основі спроектованого за джерелом творчості авторського принта із «ефектом деграде» виконано дизайн-проект та виконано апробацію готового святкового ансамблю жіночого одягу.
Ключові слова: авторський ансамбль, оздоблення одягу, принт, ефект деграде, сучасні тенденції.

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

The purpose of the work is design-development and production author’s ensemble of women’s clothes using print created by the source of creativity, which match of fashion trends. To achieve this goal, an information-analytical method of researching current types of decoration, system-structural analysis of modern prints, as well as a method of morphological analysis of the source of creativity with its subsequent synthesis based on the data obtained. Collections of modern designers are analyses, it was and determined that the most relevant type of garment finishing is print. Prints are used in 42%…47% of considered models of modern clothes. Based on the analysis of the frequency of occurrence of the print in the collections of clothes by years, peaks of the popularity of such decoration were identified and a forecast was made regarding its relevance for the next two years. A generalized classification of varieties of modern prints for the decoration of women’s clothing has been developed. On the basis of collections of designers of famous fashion houses for the period 2010–2019 were sorted the varieties of modern prints and highlighted the most promising ones. They are geometric, floral, abstraction, with oil painting and print «degrade effect». The latter, as the most promising one, was chosen to decorate the author’s ensemble of women’s clothing. Recommendations are given on the design of the print «degrade effect» and the method of its application to fabric, which can be used by manufacturers for decoration of clothing in the conditions of mass production.
Keyword: author’s ensemble, garment finishing, print, «degrade effect», fashion trends.


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Post Author: npetliaks
