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Сторінки: 77-81. Номер: №1, 2019 (269)
Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну
National University of Technology and Design
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5732-2019-269-1-77-81
Рецензія/Peer review : 27.11.2018 р.
Надрукована/Printed : 15.02.2019 р.

Анотація мовою оригіналу

В статті розглянуто стан ринку вітчизняного взуття та наведено результати маркетингових досліджень споживчих переваг для розробки асортименту жіночого взуття, а також з’ясовано, наскільки його асортимент задовольняє потреби населення. Прогнозовано можливість використання нестандартних текстильних матеріалів для виробництва взуття. Розроблено колекцію ескізів різних конструкцій взуття з використанням текстилю, що включає оцінку споживачів щодо актуальності використання текстилю під час виробництва взуття.
Ключові слова: натуральна шкіра, текстильні матеріали, ринок взуття, маркетингові дослідження, споживчі переваги, попит, респонденти, сегментація, якість.

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

The purpose of this work is to highlight and substantiate the results of marketing research, to determine the factors of importance of consumer preferences regarding design, materials, prices, quality of shoes, which may improve the range of manufacturers, forecasting the use of modern non-standard textile materials for the production of products of this segment, improving its quality and increase in demand for footwear of Ukrainian manufacturers. The method uses a questionnaire to predict the possibility of using non-typical textile materials in the production of shoes, the formation of the range of products of this segment and the assessment of consumers’ opinions on certain criteria of weight in general. In the course of the study, a questionnaire was developed and 230 people aged 18 to 65 were polled. The results of the study are processed on a personal computer with an error of 4-5. The survey revealed a discrepancy between supply and demand assortment structure. As a result, there are significant volumes of unrealized demand – 20%. Such a large number of consumers who could not meet their demand is explained by the imperfect system of promotion of footwear in the market, the lack of a quick response to consumer inquiries and fashion. One of the important ways of solving this problem is to analyze consumer needs and increase the competitiveness of domestic shoes by forming an assortment of production, taking into account the factors of consumer choice. The article deals with the state of the domestic footwear market and presents the results of marketing researches of consumer preferences for the development of the range of women’s footwear, as well as the extent to which its range satisfies the needs of the population. The possibility of using non-typical textile materials for the production of footwear is projected. A collection of sketches of various shoe designs with the use of non-typical textile materials was developed, including the assessment of consumers regarding the relevance of the use of textiles in the production of footwear.
Key words: genuine leather, textile materials, shoe market, marketing research, consumer preferences, demand, respondents, segmentation, quality.


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Post Author: npetliaks
