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Сторінки: 123-129. Номер: №4, Том 1, 2020 (284)

Хмельницький національний університет

Khmelnytskyi National University, Ukraine

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2020-284-4-23
Надійшла / Paper received : 06.08.2020
Надрукована / Paper Printed : 30.09.2020

Анотація мовою оригіналу

Стаття присвячена проведенню оцінки рівня безпеки банківської системи України у 2016–2019 роках. Розкрито економічний зміст поняття фінансової безпеки банківської системи, визначено методичний підхід до оцінки фінансової безпеки українських банків, проведено аналіз показників достатності фінансової безпеки банківського сектору в Україні за 2016–2019 роки. Визначено інтегральний індикатор банківської безпеки України та досліджено його динаміку. Отримані результати проведеного дослідження дозволили визначити стан, основні проблеми та запропонувати комплекс заходів для забезпечення фінансової безпеки банків України.
Ключові слова: безпека, банк, банківська система, рівень безпеки, фінансова безпека банківської системи, індикатор банківської безпеки, оцінка банківської безпеки.

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

The article is devoted to the assessment of the level of security of the banking system of Ukraine in 2016-2019. The economic meaning of the concept of financial security of the banking system as a component of economic security of the country is revealed, approaches to the definition of the concept of financial security of the bank by different researchers are presented, and the own definition is offered. The role of the bank’s financial security in ensuring the economic and banking security of the state was substantiated, the methodological approach to assessing the security of the banking system proposed by the Methodological recommendations for calculating the level of economic security of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Development and Trade. The analysis of indicators of sufficiency of financial security of the banking sector in Ukraine for 2016–2019 is carried out. Based on the absolute indicators of the main indicators that characterize the level of banking security, we calculated the characteristic values for each and determined the weights. In accordance with the approved methodology, the integrated indicator of banking security of Ukraine was determined and its dynamics were studied. A range of characteristic values was also presented, which makes it possible to assess the level of financial security of the banking system. Based on the study, the level of banking security for the analyzed period was assessed as unsatisfactory, but there is a positive trend to increase the level of financial security of the banking system. We identified the main threats that affected the financial security of the banking sector, including the high level of non-performing loans, the low quality of banks’ loan portfolios, and the high share of short-term loans in the loan portfolio. The results of the study allowed to identify the state, main threats and propose a set of measures to ensure the financial security of the banking sector, taking into account the threats, which will help to form a clear picture of the current situation and identify priority actions to prevent their destructive impact. banking system of Ukraine.
Key words: security, bank, banking system, security level, financial security of banking system, banking security indicator, banking security assessment.


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Post Author: npetliaks
