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Сторінки: 49-52. Номер: №5, 2020 (286)

Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя

Ternopil State Technical University named by Ivan Pul’uj

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2020-286-5-10
Надійшла / Paper received: 29.09.2020
Надрукована / Paper Printed : 05.11.2020

Анотація мовою оригіналу

Стаття присвячена оцінці діяльності споживчих організацій та більш широких груп споживачів, які в суспільній свідомості найчастіше визначаються як конс’юмеризм. Проведено аналіз історичної ретроспективи конс’юмеризму та основних напрямків його діяльності на сьогоднішній день. Стверджується, конс’юмеризм як перспективний та найбільш актуальний рух на захист споживачів  направлений на врегулювання відносин між продавцем і покупцем як на державному, так і громадському рівні, оскільки глобальною ціллю такої діяльності в даній сфері є безпека і надійність ринку, стимулювання конкуренції та захист прав споживачів.
Ключові слова: споживач, конс’юмеризм, виробник, товар, поведінка споживача, права споживача.

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

In today’s market conditions, it is very important for companies to determine the course of their future actions in the market to increase their competitiveness, to justify effective directions for their future development, taking into account the needs of consumers. In the process of their activity, enterprises face many problems, which are caused by the versatility and interrelation of external and internal factors. One of the first places in this set of problems is the consumer and the company’s relationship with him. Here, the close relationship between the environmental factors that influence the construction of a conflict-free consumer-producer system comes to the fore. On the one hand, the manufacturer is interested in satisfying the consumer with the product, because it allows you to keep it and allows you to become a regular customer and make a profit. On the other hand, the manufacturer or seller is not always interested in the full awareness of the consumer and uses various methods to hide unwanted information. Today shows that the number of consumer complaints about the unsatisfactory quality of products, services and maintenance is growing. The consumer’s right to receive the necessary reliable information about goods, works, services is insufficiently realized. Consumers’ rights to be heard, protected and compensated for damage are underdeveloped. Public organizations and unions are not fully involved in consumer protection in Ukraine. Under these conditions, consumers make their own demands, which ensure the right to independence (the presence of producer responsibility for the damage caused to the consumer and the existence of standards for the production of harmful goods) and directly affect businesses through consumerism.
The article is devoted to the evaluation of the activities of consumer organizations and wider consumer groups, which in the public consciousness are often defined as consumerism.  An analysis of the historical retrospective of consumerism and the main directions of its activities to date. It is argued that consumerism, as a promising and most relevant movement for consumer protection, is aimed at regulating the relationship between seller and buyer at both state and public levels, as the global goal of such activities in this area is market security and reliability, competition and protection. consumers. Consumerism today is a consumer movement that not only affects the quality of consumer goods, but also forms a new concept of “quality of life.” These include consumer culture, occupational health and safety, environmental protection, and quality of service. This concept can exist only in a highly educated society, where people are interested in what they buy and seek to protect themselves from the negative effects of consuming poor quality products. The influence and importance of consumerism is growing every year, which is certainly a good indicator of the level of public concern for their health and rights.
Key words: consumer, consumerism, producer, product, consumer behavior, consumer rights.


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Post Author: npetliaks
