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Сторінки: 222-225. Номер: №5, 2020 (289)
Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет
Yu. Batygin, T. Gavrilova, Ye. Chaplyhin, S. Shinderuk
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5732-2020-289-5-222-225
Рецензія/Peer review : 28.10.2020 р.
Надрукована/Printed : 27.11.2020 р.
Анотація мовою оригіналу
В роботі обґрунтована принципова дієвість резонансного підсилювача електричної потужності, заснована на висновках узагальненого теоретичного аналізу і експериментах, виконаних для розробленої моделі підсилювача. Результати цієї роботи необхідні для проектування електротехнічних пристроїв з резонансними компонентами.
Ключові слова: резонанс напруги, індуктивність, трансформатор Тесла, електрична потужність, коефіцієнт трансформації.

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

An urgent task today is the search for opportunities for energy conversion, especially if it is associated with resonance effects, which, for example, can enhance the power of electrical signals. A prospective study consists in considering the processes in a device in which, with a sufficiently small active resistance in the secondary circuit, resonantly connected circuits should have an increase in electrical power. The generalizations of the results of the author’s research, including theoretical analysis and experiments aimed at substantiating the fundamental possibility of resonant amplification of the power of harmonic signals in the circuit of two real inductively coupled series active-reactive circuits, where the inductance of the secondary circuit is the “output” element, are presented. A resonant electric power amplifier consisting of input and output RLC circuits using a transformer and characterized by the exact fulfilment of resonance conditions in the circuits is considered. For the theoretical analysis of electromagnetic processes, methods based on the theoretical principles of electrical engineering, in particular the theory of circuits, were used. The obtained theoretical and experimental results illustrate the real possibilities of a multiple increase in power (~ 35 … 37.8 times) in the adopted scheme of a resonant converter of electromagnetic energy based on the idea of a Tesla transformer. Comparison of the values of theoretical and experimental characteristics of the investigated amplifier showed their very good agreement at the level of 3 … 9%. On the basis of the conclusions of the generalized theoretical analysis and experiments carried out for the developed amplifier model, the fundamental efficiency of the resonant electric power amplifier is substantiated. The results of this work are necessary for the design of electrical devices with resonant elements.
Keywords: voltage resonance, inductance, Tesla transformer, electrical power, transformation factor.


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Post Author: npetliaks
