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Сторінки: 131-135. Номер: №4, Том 2, 2020 (284)

ННЦ «Інститут аграрної економіки»

NSC “Institute of Agrarian Economics”

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2020-284-4(2)-22
Надійшла / Paper received : 23.07.2020
Надрукована / Paper Printed : 28.09.2020

Анотація мовою оригіналу

У статті розглянуто статистичні показники імпорту агропродовольчої продукції в Україну з деталізацією динаміки та структури. Виділено продукцію, що є традиційною для вітчизняного сільськогосподарського виробництва, однак зараз характеризується від’ємним зовнішньоторговельним сальдо. Здійснено оцінку напрямів аграрної галузі, розвиток яких здатен покращити власну самозабезпеченість внутрішнього продовольчого ринку України. Загалом ситуація з імпортом сировини і харчових продуктів не є критичною, однак при цьому існують можливості для зниження залежності нашої країни від закордонних поставок продовольства.
Ключові слова: імпорт, сальдо, продовольство, залежність, перспективи.

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

The article considers statistical indicators of agri-food imports to Ukraine with details of dynamics and structure. Some products that are traditional for domestic agricultural production, but have a negative foreign trade balance, are highlighted. Made an assessment of the directions in the agricultural sector, development of which is able to improve their own self-sufficiency on the domestic food market of Ukraine. In general, the situation with import of raw materials and food products is not critical, but there are opportunities to reduce our country’s dependence on foreign food supplies. Agricultural imports in our country are characterized by volatility and the absence of a clearly defined commodity structure. Its value is determined predominantly by the purchasing power of domestic consumers. At the same time, some of the import purchases are carried out objectively because of the lack of production opportunities within the country, and the other part is the result of changes in the priorities of agricultural production along with changing of consumers’ needs. In the near future, the current tendencies of agrarian import will be stable for Ukraine. Moreover, there are many products, foreign trade balance of which should be better, so the government, together with producers and other interested market participants should develop such areas of the agriculture. First of all, we are talking about chickens, lard and fat, cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, onions, seed corn and sunflower for sowing. On the other hand, we could recognize positive trends in fruit growing and extraction of aquatic biological resources in inland waters of Ukraine. In recent years, in particular, records have been set for total exports of fruit and berry products. With a favorable implementation of this scenario, in fact, only critical imports will remain, without which it is impossible to do without. Recent trends suggest that successful single examples of import substitution exist with the right integrated approach. Anyway, having become more mobile, our agri-food market is still not fully structured, leaving open the question of the balance of production, foreign trade and consumption.
Keywords: import, balance, food, dependence, prospects.


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Post Author: Кравчик Юрій
