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Сторінки: 78-82. Номер: №1, 2021 (293)
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
V. Yakovyna, N. Shakhovska, Ya. Matviychuk, Ye. Zasoba
Lviv Polytechnic National University
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5732-2021-293-1-78-82
Рецензія/Peer review : 09.01.2021 р.
Надрукована/Printed : 10.03.2021 р.

Анотація мовою оригіналу

У роботі розроблено вдосконалений алгоритм прогнозування дефектів програмного забезпечення на основі поєднання карти Кохонена та ієрархічної кластеризації. Раніше для побудови моделей прогнозування дефектів програмного забезпечення використовувались різні методи класифікації, починаючи від простих, таких як логістична регресія, і закінчуючи сучасними методами, наприклад багатовимірне адаптивне зрощення регресії. Однак наявна література все ще не дозволяє зробити однозначний висновок щодо вибору найкращого класифікатора та спроб різних вимірів для подолання потенційних упереджень пропонується. Метою статті є аналіз метрик програмного коду для виявлення залежностей між схильністю до дефектів програмного модуля та його метриками. У цьому дослідженні було використано JM1 загальнодоступний набір даних NASA з PROMISE Software Engin-Reering Repository.
Ключові слова: аналіз дефектів програмного забезпечення, прогнозування, ієрархічна кластеризація, карти Кохонена.

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

In this work, an improved software defect prediction algorithm based on a combination of the Kohonen map and hierarchical clustering was developed. The algorithm uses a gradually decreasing learning rate to fine-tune a new era. As a result, the center is set in a position that satisfactorily clusters the examples for which the neuron is the winner. The property of topological ordering is achieved in the algorithm using the concept of neighborhood. Neighborhood is the result of agglomerative hierarchical clustering. The proposed algorithm shows higher accuracy than other classification algorithms. Pre-processing allows us to improve the quality of analysis by dividing all data into two clusters. This study used a public dataset from the PROMISE software engineering repository. The JM1 dataset for software defect prediction is selected. The source of this dataset is NASA Metrics Data Program.
Previously, various classification methods were used to build software defect prediction models, from simple ones, such as logistic regression, to modern methods, such as multidimensional adaptive regression splicing. However, the available literature still does not allow to make an unambiguous conclusion about the choice of the best classifier and attempts of different dimensions to overcome potential biases are offered. The aim of the article is to analyze the metrics of the program code to identify the relationships between the susceptibility to defects of the software module and its metrics.
The task of classification is to assign an object to one of the predefined classes based on its formalized characteristics. Each of the classified objects is represented as an N-dimensional vector, each dimension of which corresponds to one of the features of the object. The binary classification model should evaluate the impact of each parameter or group of parameters on the classification of defects. The analysis process consists of two phases. In the first phase, all parameters were considered. In the second phase, the influence of each parameter was studied.
We use an ensemble of models – the Kohonen map and hierarchical clustering. The heat map shows the weight of attributes and their grouping, as well as clusters data. The Kohonen map uses unattended learning, and the learning set consists only of the values ​​of the input variables. Kohonen’s map is studied by successive approximation. Starting with a randomly selected initial location of the centers, the algorithm is gradually improved to collect training data. Kohonen’s basic iterative algorithm successively goes through a number of epochs; one case study is processed for each epoch. The input signals are fed sequentially to the network. The desired output signals are not determined. After processing a sufficient number of input vectors, the synaptic weights of the network are determined by clusters. In addition, the scales are organized in such a way that topologically close nodes are sensitive to such input signals.
Keywords: software defects analysis, prediction, hierarchical clustering, Kohonen maps.


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Post Author: npetliaks
