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Сторінки: 51-55. Номер: №2, 2020 (280)

народний депутат Верховної Ради України

Members of the Ukrainian Parliament

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2020-280-2-8
Надійшла / Paper received : 12.03.2020
Надрукована / Paper Printed : 05.05.2020

Анотація мовою оригіналу

     У статті досліджено організаційну культури підприємств мережевих структур країни в сучасних трансформаційних умовах. Досліджено позитивні екстерналії функціонування мережевої системи. Обґрунтовано фактор впливу на діяльність підприємств мережевих структур. Як результат наукових досліджень, ідентифіковано основі компоненти на основі яких здійснюється формування стратегії організаційної культури підприємств мережевих структур.
Ключові слова : організаційна культура підприємств, підприємства мережевих структур, компонента організаційної культури, стратегія організаційної культури підприємств мережевих структур, вектори розвитку.

 Розширена анотація англійською мовою

     Modern scientific research points to the fact that without a properly formed organizational culture of enterprises at network structures it is impossible to achieve a high level of economic efficiency. In this context, it is quite relevant to study the components of  organizational culture enterprises at network structures in modern conditions of operation.
The article substantiates the conceptual and applied aspects the strategy of organizational culture enterprises at network structures. It is established that the process of implementing the strategy of organizational culture of enterprises at network structures can be divided into the following stages: the process of strategic planning and management.
It is investigated that the formation of organizational culture enterprises at network structures activates interpersonal communications, creates a highly productive and efficient work team, provides a sense of belonging to the network structure, participation in common results. On the basis of which the main factors influencing the implementation of the strategy at network structures are identified: the presence of a strong leader; firm intention of the management enterprises to act according the established traditions; manifestation of constant care for employees of enterprises.
It is noted that organizational culture involves the development of a clearly defined strategy that would involve all components of organizational culture based on the use of management functions. This strategy should be built in accordance with the overall strategy of the network, at taking into account all the features and specifics of the industry.
It is proved that the enterprises of network structures change the strategy of organizational culture in the following cases: for a long time it does not ensure the achievement of satisfactory performance; competing firms have dramatically changed their strategy; other external factors for the company’s activities have changed; prospects have opened up for taking measures that can significantly increase the company’s profits; changed or new customer preferences appeared, or there were trends for possible changes in this area; the tasks set in the strategy of organizational culture have already been solved and fulfilled.
It is established that the formation of component organizational culture of enterprises at network structures forms the following strategic vectors of development: to act more efficiently and effectively, taking into account trends, threats and opportunities; counteract stereotypes that limit the capabilities of employees; to realize the involvement of employees in collective activities, their inseparability; to build a positive image of enterprises at network structures; determine the correct system of employee motivation; to establish the mission and goals of enterprises at network structures, to build organizational values and ideals; understand individual and collective behavior, understand leadership style and leadership issues.
The article examines the organizational culture of enterprises of network structures of the country in modern transformational conditions. Positive externalities of network system functioning are investigated. The factor of influence on the activity of enterprises of network structures is substantiated. As a result of scientific researches, the components on the basis of which formation of strategy of organizational culture of the enterprises of network structures is carried out are identified.
Key words: organizational culture of enterprises, enterprises of network structures, component of organizational culture, strategy of organizational culture enterprises at network structures, vectors of development.


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Post Author: npetliaks
