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вул. Інститутська 11, м. Хмельницький, 29016



Сторінки: 195-200. Номер: №6, Том 1, 2021 (300)

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8845-2890
e-mail: yaromich.lily@gmail.com
Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара

Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2021-300-6-31
Надійшла / Paper received : 09.10.2021
Надрукована / Paper Printed : 07.12.2021

Анотація мовою оригіналу

      У роботі досліджено методику аудиту власного капіталу підприємства. Особлива увага приділена дослідженню завдань, об’єктів та джерел інформації за цим напрямком аудиторської перевірки. У результаті аналізу праць науковців запропоновано вирішення неузгоджених питань та власне бачення концептуальних основ методики аудиту власного капіталу.
      Ключові слова: аудит, власний капітал, об’єкти аудиту, джерела інформації, елементи облікової політики.

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

      Effective management of equity can not happen without the creation of a quality system of control over changes in its size and structure at appropriate intervals. Carrying out an independent form of financial control – audit provides early detection of deviations in the system of accounting and reporting and their elimination by enterprises. A very important issue is the development of methods for auditing various areas of accounting for the movement of equity of the enterprise to implement quality control. Significant components of the effectiveness of the audit are the correct setting of audit objectives and determine its main sources of information. The method of auditing the equity of the enterprise is investigated in the work. Particular attention is paid to the study of tasks, objects and sources of information in this area of audit. A comparison of the definition of the tasks of the audit of equity by different scientists is made. The scheme of interrelation of objects of audit of own capital with sources of information concerning these objects is constructed. It is advisable to use various sources of information to conduct a quality audit of the constituent documents and equity. The paper compares the views of different authors on the use of specific sources of information in the audit of equity. As a result of the analysis of works of scientists the decision of uncoordinated questions and own vision of conceptual bases of a technique of audit of own capital is offered. We consider it appropriate to add to the Order on Accounting Policy a section “Equity”, which would contain the necessary information on the authorized, additional, reserve capital, retained earnings (uncovered losses) and other components available to the company. This will establish compliance with the provisions of the accounting policy and the constituent documents on equity and will facilitate the task of users of relevant information.
      Keywords: audit, equity, objects of audit, sources of information, elements of accounting policy.


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Post Author: Кравчик Юрій
