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 Сторінки: 201-208. Номер: №5, 2021 (301)
Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1497-0094
e-mail: marfiichuk@gmail.com
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5732-2021-301-5-201-208
Рецензія/Peer review : 13.09.2021р.
Надрукована/Printed : 10.10.2021 р.

Анотація мовою оригіналу

 У роботі запропонований удосконалений метод коригування існуючих колодок за допомогою накладок, виготовлених методом тривимірного друку і закріплених у антропометричних зонах, які потребують коригування повноти для окремих споживачів. Саме коригування колодок за допомогою друкованих накладок з полімерних матеріалів та впровадження їх у роботу значно знизить вартість та скоротить термін виготовлення взуття за індивідуальним замовленням.
Ключові слова: індивідуальна колодка, накладки, 3D друк, індивідуальний пошив взуття.

 Розширена анотація англійською мовою

Purpose. Investigate the process of adjusting the shape of the shoe last by modeling solid elements (individual overlays) made by 3D printing.
Methodology. We used a three-dimensional graphic environment Delcam Crispin with the use of modules ShoeMaker, LastMaker, PowerShape, which provide a full cycle of design processes of shoe production from processing scans of the feet, modeling the top design to the design of the last; Ultimaker Cura slicer to customize the printing of prototypes, made of different polymeric materials. The FDM method for 3D printing was used to study the adjustment of a shoe last with a printed cover.
Results. The proposed sequence of adjusting the shape of the lasts using solid modeling in CAD environments Delcam Crispin LastMaker and PowerShape allows for design and technological preparation for the manufacture of corrective lasts by 3D printing. The end result of the last adjustment process is a digital copy of the prototype last, which can be used to model shoes in the 3D space of modern CAD. To achieve improved performance in the use of lasts made by 3D printing, the physical and mechanical properties of polymeric materials were determined, experimental tensile studies of samples obtained by 3D printing on an upgraded bursting machine 2167 P-50. Elastan D70 was chosen from the researched materials, which satisfies the physical and mechanical characteristics for the production of the last cover and subsequent operation of the product.
Scientific novelty. Adjustment of the form and the sizes of a block is carried out at the expense of use of overlays made by a method of 3D printing which considers   deviations of the sizes and the form of a block and foot of the individual customer.
Practical value. The paper proposes an improved method of adjusting existing lasts with the help of printed overlays in anthropometric areas, which require completeness adjustment for individual consumers. It is the adjustment of the last with the help of printed lasts made of polymeric materials that will significantly reduce the production time, reduce the cost and commissioning of shoe lasts to individual order.
Key words: individual shoe last, overlays, 3D printing, individual order shoes.


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Post Author: npetliaks
