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Сторінки: 258-263. Номер: №1, 2020 (281)
Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України, Київ
Національний медичний університет імені О.О. Богомольця, Київ
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5732-2020-281-1-258-263
Рецензія/Peer review : 30. 09.2019 р.
Надрукована/Printed : 14.02.2020 р.

Анотація мовою оригіналу

В роботі створено та апробовано компоненти кейс-методу для навчання фахівців випробувальних лабораторій, котрі здійснюють вимірювання вмісту ксенобіотиків у продукції рослинництва за допомогою сучасних хроматографічних методів аналізу: високоефективної рідинної хроматографії з флуоресцентним детектором (ВЕРХ/ФЛД), з діодноматричним детектором (ВЕРХ/ДАД) та мас-спектрометром (ВЕРХ/МС/МС). За допомогою програмного пакету Microsoft Office та програми Cromeleon 6.0 в роботі було створено компоненти інформаційної технології, що забезпечує учасникам навчання зручний доступ до необхідної інформації, візуалізує необхідні для здійснення вимірювання ксенобіотиків масиви даних.
Ключові слова: кейс-метод, навчання та адаптація співробітників, хроматографічні методи, ксенобіотики.

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

This paper centers on the methodology and information technology components discussion. The purpose of this work is the development and implementation of case-methods in study methodology and information technology for chromatographic analysis process of xenobiotics in plant’s products. Our technology are used at the laboratory for specialist’s the new knowledge level and the positive opinion generating, forcing more motivate professionals of different levels to increasing their graduated and be more knowledgeable in the high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detector (HPLC/FDL) and diode array detector (HPLC/DAD). The information materials were developed by Microsoft Office software and Cromeleon 6.0 at the laboratory, were compiled into a case and were studied that to improve lab performance and to provide remote control for chromatographs. The offered information tools allows to specialist master the standardized measure methods of crop production safety indicates or to see by themselves the ways for improving methodology of testing with Practical lessons with the actual case exercise last twice a week for a month. Head of department is using the information tools for specialists training, provides conditions for the implementation of professional independence and professional mobility for everybody, at certain stages interacts with each individually or with a group, observes the process and notes the strengths and weaknesses of the decisions, if necessary, encourages performers, avoiding critical remarks, because the result of the work of each one is quickly detected if there was insufficient motivation of a specialist in an effort to get a good result of work. Test samples were investigated and studied at laboratory with the information materials of analytical possibilities. First week of case-study by the information materials requires a significant concentration of performer on the theoretical part, study of typical situations illustrations. During the second week of the study, the performers deepen into the technical part of the work with the chromatographic system. They study the peculiarities of its work and seek the answers about typical challenges and non-standard situations that occurred at the department before and was documented and illustrated by the atlases created at the department. During the testing of the case, it was found that the practical part of the third week study, which contains the measurement of the xenobiotics contents, is more difficult for the participants to perform than the practical part of the work, performed on the second week when working with the chromatograph. This is due to the fact that the practical part on working with the chromatograph is provided with theoretical material and the participants successfully process it, and the practical part of the third week is always a new situation, for solving which it is necessary to mobilize not only theoretical knowledge, but also creative thinking. As a result of information technology components implementations participants gain knowledge and think over other research objects, compare results and improve computer skills and communication skills. We save time of carrying out of researches, accelerate training, facilitate performance of functional tasks and promote professionalization.
Keywords: case-method, information technology,  plants products, xenobiotics, high performance liquid chromatography.


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Post Author: npetliaks
