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Сторінки: 163-170. Номер: №1, 2020 (281)
Хмельницький національний університет
Vitalyi Mikhalevskyi, Galyna Mikhalevska
Khmelnytskyi National University
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5732-2020-281-1-163-170
Рецензія/Peer review : 12. 01.2020 р.
Надрукована/Printed : 14.02.2020 р.

Анотація мовою оригіналу

В статті запропоновані і досліджуються в загальних рисах складові інформаційного середовища, зокрема, технологічного базису інформаційно-комунікаційних систем та основні процеси його вдосконалення для побудови інформаційного суспільства. Відстежується взаємодія користувач – Web-сервіс (інформаційні послуги, які надаються користувачам за допомогою Web-технологій).
Ключові слова: інформаційно-комунікаційна система, технологічний базис, Web-сервіс, інформаційна послуга, електронний бізнес.

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

In the article the components of technological basis of information and communication systems and the basic processes of its improvement are proposed and researched in general terms. The interaction between the user and Web service is monitored (information services, which are provided to users through Web technologies). Today, the evolution of the creation and formation of a multidimensional information communication environment is a determining factor for the innovative development and efficient functioning of all structures and social systems of the information society. Precisely by the communication sphere, that is transformed in the context of global information opportunities, the free access to knowledge, connections between people and communities, the accumulation, dissemination and enrichment of social experience are ensured. Today there is an active formation of a single global world economic, legal, information space to ensure the free and efficient business activity of all entities in the Internet. The world information space includes a system of services (services), the most important of which are: 1) Computing Services (Data / Computation Services) – means of placing data and their transportation between applications, access to computing and network resources; 2) Information Services – means of submission, processing, storage and access to information; 3) Knowledge Services – means of accumulation, submission, restoration, publication, search and processing of knowledge. Various institutional structures on the Internet create their own information models through the Website, creating certain information and economic spaces by means of intellectualized software (multiagent systems or software agents as agents of economic activity) in the global electronic environment or object-oriented software (site, portal, e-mail box, etc.). It is the Web server, a kind of business card of an enterprise that represents a set of interconnected Web pages, presents the company and its services. The homepage of the company website tells you about the history of the company, its profile, projects, products / services, business partnerships, etc., namely, general information about what the organization provides and what offers. This page often has links to portals (multifunctional sites) of e-markets or e-shops, which are the entry points to the global network of all participants of the business process, as well as a place for placing electronic catalogs of goods, services, transaction management, logistics processes, payments etc. Today, Web2 and Web3 technologies are replacing Web technologies. They are based on social networks, a collaborative effort to develop information resources. Corporate blogs, Wiki encyclopedias and others are based on these new technologies.
Keywords: information and communication system, technological basis, web-service, information service, e-business.


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Post Author: npetliaks
