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Сторінки: 263-267. Номер: №3, 2020 (285)
Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5732-2020-285-3-41
Рецензія/Peer review : 04.05.2020 р.
Надрукована/Printed : 05.06.2020 р.

Анотація мовою оригіналу

В роботі наведена структура комп’ютерної програми реалізації алгоритму рекурсії для визначення технологічних зусиль в робочій зоні текстильного обладнання для випадку, коли діаметр нитки має змінне значення. Представлені програмні модулі програми для визначення технологічних зусиль в робочій зоні на текстильних машинах з урахуванням зміни діаметру перетину нитки для широкого спектру комплексних ниток та пряжі. Програмними модулями передбачена можливість завдання закону зміни діаметру перетину нитки у вигляді гармонічної функції або довільній функції користувача з використанням зворотних польських записів у вигляді транслятора. В комп’ютерній програмі закладена можливість зміни швидкості руху нитки, довжини лінії пружної системи заправки, перетину нитки, її вхідного натягу, матеріалу направляючих поверхонь, їх форми. В якості структурних елементів можливо використовувати направляючі великої та малої кривизни, пристрої для натягу нитки та компенсатори натягу. Наведено опис основних процедур та функцій.
Ключові слова: комп’ютерна програма, алгоритм рекурсії, програмні модулі, нитка, гармонічна функція зміни діаметру перетину нитки, транслятор.

 Розширена анотація англійською мовою

The paper presents the structure of a computer program for the implementation of the recursion algorithm to determine the technological effort in the working area of ​​textile equipment for the case when the diameter of the thread has a variable value. The program modules of the program for determination of technological efforts in a working zone on textile machines taking into account change of diameter of section of a thread for a wide range of complex threads and yarns are presented. The software modules provide the ability to set the law of changing the diameter of the thread in the form of a harmonic function or an arbitrary function of the user using inverse Polish records in the form of a translator. The computer program includes the ability to change the speed of the thread, the length of the line of the elastic refuelling system, the cross section of the thread, its input tension, the material of the guide surfaces, their shape. Large and small curvature guides, thread tensioners and tension compensators can be used as structural elements. The description of the main procedures and functions is given.
The main parameter for optimizing the thread feed system is the minimum required tension in the work area. The breakage of the threads during processing on the process equipment is due to the imperfection of the thread feed system and its components. Downtime of equipment associated with the elimination of the cliff, is currently 75-80% of the total downtime. This negatively affects the productivity of equipment, reduces the quality of products. The largest number of breaks falls on the area of the devices of the tension of the thread. Investigations of the influence of the design of the thread tension device on the conditions of its interaction with the thread, taking into account its non-uniformity in the diameter of the cross section, are important in determining the thread tension. The thread tension increases when passing through the refuelling zones of the thread feed system on the process equipment. This increase is due to the interaction of the thread with the guides and tensioning devices. The maximum value of tension will be in front of the working area. Minimizing the tension in front of the work area is important for improving the technological processes of the textile and clothing industry from the standpoint of improving the productivity of technological equipment and product quality. Thus, the topic of this article is relevant, which is important for improving the system of thread supply on process equipment, the design of existing thread tensioning devices and the development of new ones.
Development of special computer programs for determining the tension in the working area, taking into account its unevenness in the diameter of the cross section allows you to quickly determine the necessary technological parameters, adjust both the structure and components of the thread feed system to obtain the minimum necessary tension in the working area.
Objects and methods of research. The thread tensioning devices are an integral part of the thread supply system of the technological equipment of the textile industry. The imperfection of the design of the thread tension devices leads to fluctuations in the thread tension during its processing on the process equipment and violation of the technological regime. First of all, it is influenced by the unevenness of the thread in diameter, due to its structure and material, the specifics of the manufacture of the thread, the length of individual filaments and their relative position relative to each other. The theoretical basis for solving scientific and technical problems are the works of leading scientists in the fields of technology of textile and knitwear production, textile materials science, thread mechanics, elasticity theory, mathematical modelling. Theoretical and experimental research uses methods of theoretical mechanics, resistance of materials, experimental planning and statistical processing of research results.
Keywords: computer program, recursion algorithm, program modules, thread, harmonic function of thread diameter change, translator.


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Post Author: npetliaks
