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вул. Інститутська 11, м. Хмельницький, 29016



Сторінки: 116-125. Номер: №5, 2020 (286)

Хмельницький національний університет
Національна академія Державної  прикордонної служби України ім. Богдана Хмельницького

Moroz S.
Khmelnytskyі National University
Meish V.
National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2020-286-5-22
Надійшла / Paper received : 13.10.2020
Надрукована / Paper Printed : 04.11.2020

Анотація мовою оригіналу

В статті на основі аналізу даних Національного банку України та Державної служби статистики України проаналізовано сучасний стан та динаміку банківського кредитування в Україні. Проаналізовано структуру та динаміку кредитів наданих домашнім господарствам. Досліджено кредитування в розрізі валют. Розглянуто процентні ставки за новими кредитами домашнім господарствам  за цільовим спрямуванням у розрізі валют. Проаналізовано надання кредитів домашнім господарствам в розрізі регіонів, виявлено нерівномірність такого розподілу, що спричинено величиною доходів та чисельністю жителів регіону. Визначено необхідність активізації ринку споживчого кредитування як необхідної умови забезпечення розвитку внутрішнього ринку та реального сектора економіки.
Ключові слова: банківська система, банківське кредитування, споживче кредитування, споживчий кредит, структура споживчого кредитування.

Розширена анотація англійською мовою

Credit as an economic category causes constant controversy among scholars, which creates a certain degree of inaccuracy and at the same time contradictions. Scientific discussions focus not only on elucidating its economic nature, but also on the forms and types of credit, their classification and interdependence. The resumption of bank lending in the post-crisis period is possible under the conditions of theoretical substantiation of the essence of the loan and the impact of the financial crisis on the lending process. Lack of theoretical knowledge on the nature of credit in accordance with market conditions of economic entities has a negative impact on credit relations between lenders and borrowers, complicates access to credit resources. A necessary condition for ensuring the stability of the banking system is the development of bank lending. The constant change of conditions in the market of banking services and openness to the external environment require banks to constantly search for markets and lending mechanisms, including consumer credit. Lending is mostly slowed down due to the lack of theoretical justification of the essence of the loan category, the impact of the financial crisis on the lending process.
The concept of credit has a rich number of interpretations in the economic literature. This is due to different views of scientists on the essence of credit. That is why the relevance of the work is to generalize existing credit theories and concepts for the development of proposals for the interpretation of such an economic category as credit and to determine the essence of the category of bank credit.
The solution of the above problems is possible with a more in-depth study of credit theory.
In  the article on the basis of analysis of data of the National bank of Ukraine  and Government service of statistics of Ukraine the modern state and dynamics of the bank crediting in Ukraine were. The structure and dynamics of credits given for households were analysed. The consumer crediting was studied in the cut of currencies. Interest rates were observed in new credits for households using for a specified purpose in the cut of currencies.  Allotting credit for households was analysed in the cut of regions, the unevenness of such distribution was educed, that was caused by the quantity of profits and number of habitants of region. The necessity of activation of market of the consumer crediting was defined as a necessary condition of providing the development of internal market and real sector of economy.
Key words: banking system, bank crediting, consumer crediting, consumer loan, structure of consumer crediting.


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Post Author: npetliaks
