Надіслати статтю
вул. Інститутська 11, м. Хмельницький, 29016



  Сторінки 188-191. Номер №1, 2020 (261)

Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут КНТЕУ
Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute of KNTU

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2020-278-1-32
Надійшла / Paper received: 07.02.2020
Надрукована / Paper Printed: 10.03.2020

Анотація мовою оригіналу.

У статті досліджено питання стратегічного управління фінансовими ресурсами підприємства у контексті їх ефективного використання з метою отримання максимального прибутку підприємства та зростання конкурентних переваг на ринку.

Розширена анотація англійською мовою.

The article explores enterprises strategic management of the financial resources in context of their effective use in order to maximize the profit of the enterprise and increase competitive advantages in the market. Unstable economic situation in the country, the global crisis, high competition and other adverse economic processes, unfortunately, lead to the fragile positions of industrial enterprises in domestic market. Industrial enterprises are unable to effectively use all available financial resources, so the issue of strategic management is quite relevant, and the study of which maximizes the profit received by the enterprise and reducethe level of occurrence of unplanned risks. An indispensable condition for the development of an enterprise financial management strategy is the environmental analysis, which includes determining the competitive position of the enterprise in the market and researching the market itself. Strategic planning as a special type of management activity is to set long-term goals for the development of the enterprise and to determine the directions of its activity for the future. The main financial resources management strategy of of the enterprise is to form the optimal structure of the enterprise and increase the efficiency of financial activity in the conditions reducing the levels of financial risks. Strategic management enterprise goals of financial resources are: increase of financial stability; increase in profitability; increase of competitiveness; financial resources optimal structure formation, negative impact risk minimization of the formation processes, placement and use of financial resources of the enterprise. The objectives of an enterprise financial management strategy should be consistent with the overall financial strategy and aim atim proving financial sustainability, maximizing profit and market value of the enterprise. The development of the strategy should take into account the dynamics of macroeconomic processes, trends in the development of domestic financial markets, enterprise diversification sources possibility, the activity as well as financial flexibility and solvency of the enterprise.

Ключові слова: стратегія, стратегічне управління, прибуток, фінансові ресурси, конкурентоспроможність, ризик.


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Post Author: npetliaks
