Сторінки: 144-147. Номер: №3, 2020 (282)
Інститут економіки промисловості НАН України (Київ)
Sytnyk I.
Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv)
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5740-2020-282-3-27
Надійшла / Paper received : 24.04.2020
Надрукована / Paper Printed : 05.06.2020
Анотація мовою оригіналу
Розглянуто співвідношення трансакційних та трансформаційних витрат фірми та висунуто гіпотезу щодо механізму їх зв’язку. Впроваджено поняття комплексної площини загальних витрат та запропоновано інтерпретацію сукупних витрат як комплексного числа і векторної величини. Подано новий варіант запису формули сукупних витрат фірми, або формули Демсеца.
Ключові слова: трансакційні витрати, трансформаційні витрати, комплексне число, дійсна вартість, уявна вартість, комплексна площина загальних витрат.
Розширена анотація англійською мовою
One of the most important problems in the institutional direction of economics and modern theory of the firm is the problem of the ratio of transaction and transformation costs. On the one hand, the concept of “transaction costs” is fully used by modern institutionalists in their logical constructions, but on the other hand, the principles and mechanisms of the relationship between transaction costs and transformation costs formed in the transformation of raw materials into finished product, ie in production, is still a big theoretical gap. The problem of quantifying transaction costs and measuring them in units comparable to transformation costs is also far from being solved. Without addressing these issues, it is impossible to propose algorithms for effective institutional transformation and successful economic modernization.
The article is devoted to the ratio of transaction and transformation costs, hypothesized about the mechanism of their connection with each other. Introduced the concept of the complex plane of total costs, and interpretation of total costs as a complex number and vector quantity is proposed. A new version of the formula of a total costs of the firm (Demsetz formula) is presented.
The most adequate tool for resolving unresolved issues related to transaction costs and the mechanism of their connection with transformation costs is a comprehensive analysis and a comprehensive plane of total costs, where the total costs of the firm can be given as a complex number. The complex number of total costs of the firm is the sum of two components: the actual part (transformation costs that arise directly in the production process), and the imaginary part, which represents the transaction costs. Thus, the costs of the firm can be interpreted not as a normal number, but as a complex number, as well as a vector quantity on the complex plane of the total costs of the firm.
Keywords: transaction costs, transformation costs, complex number, real value, imaginary value, complex plane of total costs.
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