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вул. Інститутська 11, м. Хмельницький, 29016



Сторінки: 218-226. Номер: №5, 2022 (313)  
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.31891/2307-5732-2022-313-5-218-226
Хмельницький національний університет
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0603-7827
e-mail: boiko_julius@ukr.net
Хмельницький національний університет
e-mail: oleg.svachiy.ninetynine19@gmail.com
Khmelnytskyi National University

Анотація мовою оригіналу

В статті наведено результати калібрування та досліджень можливостей інерційної системи відслідковування відхилення від нульової точки на базі використання акселерометричного датчика MPU6050, для подальшої стабілізації вільно падаючого вантажу, як покращення використання БПЛА.
Ключові слова: інерційна навігаційна система , MPU6050, БПЛА, стабілізація, вантаж, акселерометр, гіроскоп, датчик.

Розширена анотація англійською  мовою

Inertial measurement units (IMUs) can consist of one or more sensors that collect data designed to measure inertial motions in a specific frame of reference. Acceleration, rotational speed are examples of data that can be obtained from the sensors contained in the IMU. IMUs can be found in a variety of smart devices, medical rehabilitation, general robotics, UAV control and navigation enhancement systems, sports devices, and virtual reality systems. Some engineering solutions and displacement sensors have a number of limitations, such as systems that do not have a clear initial reference point. In such systems, it is difficult to track deviations from the starting point. However, the acceleration of a moving object is usually easy to measure, so the given deflection of the object can easily be obtained using the integral of the acceleration. To solve such problems, a distance measurement system based on a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) accelerometer has been developed. The hardware structure of the system includes a data measurement module and integrated data collection and data processing modules. Due to the physical properties of the sensor, such a system can be used in a small space, with large overloads and other adverse conditions. This article describes a system calibration method and proposes a deviation tracking algorithm based on acceleration integration. Fixed output error caused by sensor mounting position is analyzed. The analysis shows that if this factor is not taken into account, the error will lead to a serious error. The experiment of measurement of the deviation from the zero point is carried out on a horizontal, flat surface, and the calculation results show that the average accuracy of the deviation measurement of this system can reach 99.05%. The results of the experiment indicate the feasibility of the system in the conditions of short-term free fall and the validity of the data processing algorithm. The accuracy of the distance measurement system can meet most engineering needs.
Keywords: inertial navigation system, MPU6050, UAV, stabilization, cargo, accelerometer, gyroscope, sensor


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  11. Parkhomey I., Boiko J., Eromenko O. Methodology for the Development of Radar Control Systems for Flying Targets with an Artificially Reduced RCS //Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC). – 2022. – Т. 3. – №. 4. – С. 402-408.
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  1. How Does Wind Speed Affect Homerun Chances? [Elektronnyi resurs] // Random Problems. – Rezhym dostupu: https://www.somesolvedproblems.com/2019/10/how-does-wind-speed-affect-homerun.html (data zvernennia: 19.10.2022). – Nazva z ekrana.
  2. Novel capacitive sensing system design of a microelectromechanical systems accelerometer for gravity measurement applications / Z. Li [ta in.] // Micromachines. – 2016. – T. 7, № 9. – S. 167–169.
  3. Process development of an all-silicon capacitive accelerometer with a highly symmetrical spring-mass structure etched in TMAH+Triton-X-100 / B. Tang [ta in.] // Sensors and Actuators. – 2014. – T. 217. – S. 105–110.
  4. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Antennas / R. Yang et al. Qingdao : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2010.
  5. Absolute distance measurement based on spectral interferometry using femtosecond optical frequency comb / G. Tang et al. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2019. Vol. 120. P. 71–78.
  6. Absolute distance measurement based on spectral interferometer using the effect of the FSR of a Fabry–Perot etalon / M. Chen et al. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2019. Vol. 123. P. 20–27.
  7. Small Displacement Measuring System Based on MEMS Accelerometer / W.-m. Niu et al. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2019. No. 1. P. 1–7.
  8. Berg G. V. Integrated velocity and displacement of strong earthquake ground motion / G. V. Berg // Bull. Seismol. Soc. – 1961. – T. 51, № 2. – S. 175–189.
  9. MPU-6000 and MPU-6050 Product Specification Revision 3.4 [Elektronnyi resurs]. – 1197 Borregas Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 U.S.A. : InvenSense Inc, 2013. – 52 s. – Rezhym dostupu: https://invensense.tdk.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/MPU-6000-Datasheet1.pdf (data zvernennia: 05.10.2022). – Nazva z ekrana.
  10. Parkhomey I. Radar Technique for Aircraft with an Artificially Reduced RCS under Conditions of Application a Resonant Electromagnetic Field / I. Parkhomey, J. Boiko //Herald of Khmelnytskyi national university. – 2022. – № 1. – S. 184–190.
  11. Parkhomey I., Boiko J., Eromenko O. Methodology for the Development of Radar Control Systems for Flying Targets with an Artificially Reduced RCS //Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC). – 2022. – T. 3. – №. 4. – S. 402-408.
  12. Boiko J. Modeling the characteristics of a broadband antenna system for UAV direction finding / J. Boiko, O. Polikarovskykh, V. Tkachuk, V. Avdieiev, O. Svistunov //Herald of Khmelnytskyi national university. – 2022. – № 3. – S. 158-167.
  13. Ghamari M. et al. Unmanned aerial vehicle communications for civil applications: a review //IEEE Access. – 2022.

Post Author: Горященко Сергій
